The Master’s Degree in Arts is structured in order to make the student fulfill 42 credits for a degree title, thus distributed:

12 credits in regular subjects

  • 01 required subject from the area of concentration (3 credits);
  • 01 required subject from the line of research to which one belongs (3 credits);
  • 01 elective subject from the line of research to which one belongs (3 credits);
  • 01 elective subject from another line of research or another PPG of UERJ, or from another PPG of another university (3 credits).

9 credits in supervision subjects

  • 6 credits in Seminars on research for dissertation I, II and III;
  • 3 credits in Programed Activities I;

and further

  • 1 credit in the Professor Internship Program of UERJ (15 hours);
  • 20 credits related to Dissertation Development, Qualification and Defense.

TOTAL CREDITS: 42 CREDITS In order to facilitate performance of the subjects, PPGArtes makes available the form Flux of Master’s Degree Subjects. Available at:

a. Required subject from the area of concentration

01 (one) required subject from the area of concentration shall be attended, preferably in the first semester of the course, according to the subjects offered by the program.

b. Required subjects from lines of research

01 (one) required subject from the lines of research is suggested to be attended in the first semester of the course, according to the subjects offered by the program.

c. Elective subjects

02 (two) elective subjects must be fulfilled, preferably in the second semester of the course. The first elective subject must be from the line of research to which the student belongs. The second one can be an elective subject from another line of research from the PPGArtes or another PPG of UERJ, or from another university (In the case of subjects from another PPG, enroll in External Subject during the period of Enrollment in Subjects at the SVA).

d. Seminars on Research for Dissertation I, II and III

Supervision meetings between student and supervisor, according to schedule set between the parties. Enrollment in these subjects must be done from the second semester of the course.

e. Professor internship

Professor internship is suggested to be fulfilled in the third semester of the Master’s degree, within graduation courses in arts of UERJ; it might be done following subjects of the supervisor or with another professor from PPGArtes, provided it is assented by the supervision.

f. Programed activities I

Programed activities will be accounted for participation in research groups and other extra activities referring to the student’s research, according to schedule set between student and supervisor.  Enrollment in these subjects shall be done in the second semester of the Master’s degree course.

g. Dissertation development, qualification and defense

The student shall enroll twice in this subject. The first time in the semester of the qualification examining board (second semester) and the second time in the semester of the defense examining board (fourth semester).